Thursday, January 24, 2013

Manti Te'o- Is America that bored?

In light of the continual headlines NOT RELATED TO SPORT about Te'o, I have realized that something is really wrong with our world. Do people not have their own life to worry about? Who cares about the details of Te'o's unfortunate "relationship" to the point that it is a national news story?

Who cares?? Probably the same people who live for the reality shows that feature non-stop drama, similar to that of WWE wrestling (FAKE/SCRIPTED is what I am implying). Probably people who are "haters" and want everyone to be at their level, which is not a level I wish to associate with. Anyone interested in the details of this ordeal, or who seeks to judge Manti and "bring him down" (including Katie Couric) needs to re-evaluate their own life!

Te'o gained notoriety through his CFB performance this year at Notre Dame. He is 21 years old. How many college-aged individuals have had relationships that they are less than proud of, or have experienced situations in which they have not make the best choices? How many had the pressure of competing at the level of play Te'o did? With the media following every move? And how many have accomplished what he has this past year? Only a very, very, very few (in fact there were only 3 Heisman candidates if we measure his success that way).

Te'o deserves the respect he has earned, and instead of worrying about a lie he told to the media vultures to "save face," we should focus on the fact that he has accomplished more than most people could ever dream of accomplishing in a lifetime, and he has kept his character impeccable throughout his career. People lacking common sense, empathy, and who "live in glass houses" but never evaluate themselves, are the ones throwing stones right now.

People should not be so quick to judge over something that should be a private ordeal Manti had to deal with emotionally.

Before this ordeal, anything I would have posted regarding Te'o would have referenced the performance he had against the Crimson Tide in the BCS Championship. Alabama revealed Te'o as an average SEC linebacker at best. His stats do not tell the whole story. I dare say anyone who watched the game saw a different player (specifically a less effective, less powerful, slower, and less agile player) that night.

The announcers continually noted Te'o was not the force he had been throughout the season, and that he had little presence throughout the game. But how many SEC teams did Notre Dame play this year? Only Alabama.

Who would have preferred another SEC match-up? :)

Kelly Brooks, Ph.D.

Te'o's stats and awards:

Notre Dame's schedule

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Predicting Injury in Baseball Pitchers

Baseball pitching is a complex activity that requires a high level of conditioning in the athlete. Baseball pitching is more complex than many other activities that can be definitively categorized as power activities or aerobic activities. Pitching involves all components of physical fitness and does not fit discretely into a category for training. 

Controversy in training has existed for many years. Pitching coaches have differed in their approach to conditioning, with some coaches focusing on aerobic endurance training, while others have focused solely on training for power.  

Research (Beiser, 2012; Brooks 2012) has indicated that aerobic conditioning and overall physical fitness is an important component of training for baseball pitching performance. Research using the Zephyr Bioharness and the lactate pro to measure heart rate, respiratory rate, and blood lactate, indicates that baseball pitchers are working at a high percentage of their VO2 max (not crossing lactate threshold) while still clearing lactate between innings. 

When comparing game conditions with simulated game conditions, research indicates that high heart rates and respiratory rates do not indicate anxiety level during game, as both conditions were reported as having no significant differences in heart rate, respiratory rate, or blood lactate levels (cite research). 
There is a physiological point at which a pitcher is susceptible to injury, and if a pitcher is monitored, and his AT is known, we can predict that point of susceptibility.

Biomechanical analyses of baseball pitching indicate that repetitive submaximal muscular contraction is necessary for success. The lower body produces/generates the force/power needed to pitch the ball, continuously throughout the inning. As the lower body fatigues, body position changes causing different muscle groups to be recruited to maintain the same force or power production. With fatigue onset in the lower body, the upper body muscles that are essential in stabilization of the glenohumeral joint and shoulder girdle, will be recruited to maintain speed pitch (force production), putting the pitcher at increased risk of injury. 

Injury risk in baseball pitchers begins when they cross lactate threshold and begin recruiting muscle fibers in the arm that are essential in stabilization, and that are not usually used during the pitch. Players must recruit additional muscle to sustain throw velocity. 

Baseball pitchers are working at a high percentage of VO2max for an extended period, over the course of the inning. Lactate levels clear, and thus, the player is using predominately aerobic energy over the course of an inning. Crossing AT leads to lactate accumulation post-inning and puts player at risk of injury. As the pitcher’s form breaks down, additional stress is placed on shoulder girdle and glenohumeral joint (Brooks, 2012).

Deconditioned pitchers accumulate more lactate each inning than conditioned pitchers (pilot data, Beiser, 2011). The deconditioned pitchers reach lactate threshold more rapidly, and are at a greater risk of injury due to a breakdown in pitching biomechanics. 

Pitch count is an outdated form of predicting fatigue. It differs for each pitcher, and is not scientific. With all of the technology available today, a shift towards monitoring the physiological and biomechanical indicators of fatigue is essential in predicting injury in pitchers.

Kelly A. Brooks, Ph.D., CSCS*D, HFS, EPC


*Brooks, K.A., Carter, J.G., Craven, K.T., Crise, R.L., Beiser, E.J., Szymanski, D.J. (2012). Changes in Baseball Pitching Biomechanics, Pitch Velocity, and Body Position During an Intrasquad Game, Presented at the National Strength and Conditioning Association Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV. Published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 26:S1-S130.

*Beiser, E.J., Szymanski, D.J., Brooks, K.A. (2012). Physiological Response to Baseball Pitching During a Simulated and Intrasquad Game, Presented at the National Strength and Conditioning Association Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV. Publication in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 26:S1-S130.

Does Ball Size Effect Accuracy or Speed When Throwing a Baseball or Softball?

My daughter, Natalie, did the following project entitled "The Physics of Baseball" for a science fair in 2012. 


A baseball and a softball are different sizes, and may be thrown at different speeds. Using Newton’s laws, we know that the more mass a ball has, more force must be produced to throw the ball a given speed, as force is equal to mass x acceleration (F=MA). We also know that if both balls have the same mass, and are thrown the same speed, that they will produce the same amount of force.

Using Newton’s Law of Acceleration, Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion (The relationship between an object's mass m, its acceleration a, and the applied force F is F = ma) we know that throwing balls with different masses will affect velocity (speed).The mass of the ball does affect its velocity. Ball diameter may have an affect on speed. If both balls weigh the same, the diameter of the ball may affect speed and accuracy. Pitching may be more accurate with one ball than with another.

The diameter (size) of a ball will affect throwing accuracy.
The diameter (size) of a ball will affect throwing speed.


  • Baseballs- size 23.5 cm; 5.25 oz
  • Softballs- size 30.5 cm; 5.25 oz 
  • Texas A&M University Corpus Christi Biomechanics Laboratory Batting Cage
  • ATEC Radar Gun

35 total (22 males and 13 females)

Mean age
20.5 years

Speed Test:
Each subject threw 10 throws with the softball, and 10 with the baseball. The ATEC radar gun measured ball speed.

Accuracy Test:
Each subject threw 5 throws with the baseball and five with the softball toward a standard target. Points were awarded according to zone they hit.

Throwing a ball with a smaller diameter will increase speed of the throw.
Throwing a ball with a smaller diameter will increase accuracy of the throw.

Table 1: Accuracy Results
Accuracy Test*

*Results based on softball accuracy test, with five being the highest accuracy, and zero being the lowest.

Table 2: Speed Results
Speed Test
55.2 mph
40.1 mph
39.3 mph
27.4 mph
47.25 mph
33.75 mph


With the softball (larger diameter), less of the ball is covered by the hand, and less energy is transferred. 
Larger diameter of ball= more air resistance. 

  • When an object moves through air, it moves the air molecules out of the way. This creates a resistance force, or drag, on the moving object.
  • A fast-moving object encounters more drag than a slow-moving object. The fast-moving object has to push harder to get the air molecules out of the way, and for the object to move through them.
  • An object with a large cross-sectional area or diameter encounters more drag than an object with a small cross-sectional area. The air molecules have to travel farther to get out of the way of a large object. Newton’s 1st Law of Motion (Every object in motion tends to remain in motion unless an external force is applied to it) also explains the differences. 

Fingers and wrist cannot flex or grip the larger ball as much, so less muscle is used to throw ball. Using Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion (For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction) we know than since less energy is generated by the muscle, that less is transferred. The Law of conservation of energy (energy can neither be created nor destroyed by itself. It can only be transformed) tells us that the energy from the muscle is transferred to the ball. Since less is generated in the muscle due to the inability to recruit as much muscle, less energy is transferred to the ball during the throw, and the speed is less. 

Natalie Friery

Monday, January 21, 2013

Overtraining and Adrenal Insufficiency

Running, or any aerobic training in moderation, has a positive effect on health. There is a point of diminishing returns, where chronic stress from overtraining, which is common in runners, may be linked to problems in the adrenal gland. Overtraining syndrome (OS) has been linked with adrenal insufficiency. There is a direct link between stress and the adrenal glands, and the physical stress of overtraining may cause the hormones produced in these glands to become depleted. 

Adrenal Insufficiency: Symptoms and Causes 

Adrenal insufficiency refers to the inability of the adrenal glands to produce a normal quantity of hormones, which leads to a reduced ability in the individual to cope with stress. Adrenal depletion is a milder form of insufficiency, while Addison's disease is a total adrenal gland shutdown, which involves more extreme symptoms which require longer to correct. Addison’s disease is an autoimmune disorder, which has life-threatening complications.

Symptoms of adrenal insufficiency can be directly traced to a reduced secretion of certain hormones when under stress. Within the medulla, or inner core, of the kidney, both epinephrine and norepinephrine are release during the fight-flight response to stress. Stress in the body can be physical, mental, emotional, or even imagined stress, and all have the same impact on the release of hormones and the effect of stress on our body. 

Within the adrenal cortex, or outer shell, aldosterone, cortisol, and cortisone are regulated. These hormones are more critical in body function. Aldosterone helps kidneys retain sodium and excrete potassium. If production falls too low, the kidneys are not able to regulate salt and water balance, causing blood volume and blood pressure to drop, which can result in a life-threatening situation. Cortisol has many functions such as maintaining blood pressure and cardiovascular function, slowing the immune system's inflammatory response, and balancing the effects of insulin in breaking down glucose for energy. Cortisol is also involved in regulation of the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats, as it stimulates the liver to raise the blood sugar as needed, in response to metabolic demands, physical activity, and stress. Cortisol has a long half-life in the blood and if often thought to be the body's long-term response to stress, in contrast to adrenaline which is a very immediate and short-term response. Cortisol production is regulated by adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH), made in the pituitary gland.
The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis is highly involved in our body’s short-term and long-term response to stress. Other hormones related to the stress response include corticotropin-releasing hormone and  adrenocorticotrophic hormone. In cases of adrenal depletion, these other hormones are often found to be in short supply (in early stages of adrenal stress) or they can be found to be abnormally high, while another hormone is in short supply. The HPA axis functions to maintain hormone levels by balancing hormones ateach level of the axis. The hypothalalmus releases corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH), which causes the pituitary to release adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH). ACTH causes the outer cortex of the adrenal gland to increase in size and to release cortisol. At times, serum cortisol may be found to be at a normal level, while ACTH is low. Adrenal depletion involves the entire HPA-axis, and the earlier the problem is discovered, the less the axis will be affected.

Low serum cortisol is a marker of adrenal depletion. There are several symptoms of low cortisol levels, although they are vague and often related to other disorders. Some symptoms include:
  • fatigue
  • unrefreshing sleep 
  • ill-defined malaise
  • loss of ambition
  • increased fear and apprehension,
  • scattered thinking
  • decreased concentration and memory
  • short fuse
  • hypoglycemia symptoms
  • sugar cravings
  • slow recovery from illness
  • allergies or autoimmune disease
  • increased achiness or arthritis
  • nausea/ no appetite in a.m.
  • excessive consumption of caffeine or other stimulants
  • tendency to feel best towards evening
  • decreased sex drive

Low cortisol levels have been linked to the following:
  • personality/lifestyle/occupational factors lead to adrenal insufficiency:
  • perfectionism
  • a history of severe physical or emotional trauma or prolonged stress
  • shiftwork
  • teaching or healthcare profession/middle management position
  • overtraining 
  • any job where the individual feels trapped or powerless
  • high consumption of refined flour and sugar
  • hypothyroidism

Adrenal insufficiency can be divided into two types, a primary and a secondary form, depending on the length of disease and the primary hormones affected. Primary adrenal insufficiency results from a loss of both cortisol and aldosterone secretion due to the near or total destruction (Addison’s) of both adrenal glands. Most reported cases of primary adrenal insufficiency result from destruction of the adrenal cortex by the body's own immune system and the process takes months to years. Often times, individuals are not aware they have the disease and may me misdiagnosed with another similar disorder. Secondary adrenal insufficiency can be traced to a lack of ACTH, which causes a drop in the adrenal glands' production of cortisol but not aldosterone. This is most commonly found with overtraining in athletes. Symptoms are not usually apparent until over 90% of the adrenal cortex has been destroyed and very little adrenal capacity is left. This is due to the non-specific nature of symptoms and their slow progression. Symptoms are more times than not, often missed or ignored until physically stressful event or crisis, known as an Addisonian crisis, which is characterized by a sudden, penetrating pain in the lower back, abdomen, or legs, along with severe vomiting and diarrhea, followed by dehydration, low blood pressure and a loss of consciousness. 

Symptoms of adrenal insufficiency include:
  • chronic, steadily worsening fatigue 
  • severe fatigue/low stamina 
  • irritability and depression
  • weakness/muscle spasm
  • loss of appetite/weight
  • increased pigmentation of the skin
  • inability to cope with stress
  • allergies
  • faintness and low blood pressure
  • nausea/vomiting
  • poor circulation
  • salt loss/salt cravings 
  • painful muscles and joints
  • inability to digest food
  • hypoglycemia
  • intolerance to heat or cold
  • lowered resistance to infection

In the recovery from mild cases of adrenal insufficiency, if caught early, correction can occur in a matter of months. In more severe cases, complete correction may require several years; replacement therapy is not suggested in these cases if normal cortisol levels exist, as the body will cease to produce essential hormones naturally. Addison’s disease require lifetime replacement therapy of corticosteroids. The prognosis for those with Addison’s disease is that with replacement medication every day, the individual can lead a normal crisis-free life. There are no specific physical or occupational restrictions, though an individual must learn their limitations and find coping methods for stress. 

Kelly Brooks, Ph.D.

Further Reading:;jsessionid=KiPHmJeAq4FTl1cMYqqy.22

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Why Lance Armstrong would still have been an elite cyclist

Lance Armstrong is a great endurance athlete, and would have possibly won the tour De France, regardless of whether or not he blood doped.

Let's put this in perspective.

First of all, the sport is notoriously dirty. Many athletes claim "everyone was doing it," thus Lance felt he had to sacrifice (and harm his future health) to be the "best."

Secondly, Lance will pay a price for "using" what he did. The long terms effects of what he did to "cheat" are extremely detrimental. Lance chose to pay the consequences of using hormones in the long-term.

Lance's Drugs

Third, Lance trained. HE DID THE TRAINING in order to perform well. There is no "magic pill" that athletes can take to make them great. Hard work, sacrifice, and dedication are all part of the formula, and Lance worked extremely hard to perform as well as he did. How many people who are criticizing him can even imagine the amount of effort it took to compete at his level? Or even an amateur level? Fat, lazy Americans speaking of Lance cheating as though they could have won the Tour De France by doping or taking steroids is as laughable as hearing people talk about how they could have hit more home runs than Barry Bonds if they had taken anabolic steroids.

Fourth- Lance is a genetically gifted endurance athlete. I have always used Lance Armstrong as an example in my cardiac physiology lectures as an example of how VO2 max and lactate threshold influence endurance performance. Because maximal aerobic capacity is highly genetic, the fact that Lance has a high VO2 max theoretically means he would perform better than someone with a lower maximal VO2 (due to an increased ability to transport and utilize oxygen). The lactate threshold is the trainable component of aerobic endurance performance, but even if Lance is untrained and accumulates lactate at 40-50% of his VO2max, he would perform better than someone who isn't genetically gifted but who is trained and accumulates lactate around 80% of VO2max.

For example:
Maximal Aerobic Capacity
Lance- VO2 max: 80 mlO2/kg/min
Average Male- VO2max: 40 mlO2/kg/min

Lactate Accumulation Untrained:
Lance- VO2: 40 mlO2/kg/min
Average Male- VO2: 20 mlO2/kg/min

Lactate Accumulation Trained:
Lance- VO2: 64 mlO2/kg/min
Average Male- VO2: 32 mlO2/kg/min

As you can see, even when highly trained, an average male would not have the capacity to transport and utilize oxygen, without accumulating lactate, at the same level that Lance could perform at while untrained.

Lastly, examining how blood doping effects hemoglobin level (assuming doping does not increase blood viscosity to the point that negative effects such as increase BP negatively influence the cardiovascular system) can put things in perspective somewhat.

Each gram of hemoglobin in red blood cells can carry 1.36 ml of oxygen, the oxygen content of the blood (either arterial or venous) can be estimated by:

 \text{Oxygen Content of blood} = \left [\text{Hb} \right] \left ( \text{g/dl} \right ) \ \times\ 1.36 \left ( \text{ml}\ O_2 /\text{g of Hb} \right ) \times\ O_2^{\text{saturation fraction}}  +\ 0.0032\ \times\ P_{O_2} (\text{torr})
In males, assume an average hemoglobin concentration of 15 g/dl and an oxygen saturation of 99%. The oxygen concentration of arterial blood is approximately 200 ml of O2 per liter.

Change the hemoglobin concentration to account for doping, and the values will reflect the change in oxygen content. But tthe cardiovascular system is much more complex than this equation. There are countless other variables are unaccounted for when using this equation. 

No one in the USA cared about the tour De France before Lance...he brought notoriety to the sport. In the USA, we believe in the American dream, and admire those who do all they can to be "the best." Why are we so quick to turn our backs on the athletes who sacrifice for our entertainment?

Kelly Brooks, Ph.D., CSCS*D, HFS, EPC

Does Fitness/Exercise "Video Gaming" really work??

Over the past several years, “gaming” has entered the fitness arena, with new technology allowing participants to “move” and become “active” while playing their games. With the growing obesity epidemic, and the billion-dollar weight-loss industry as motivation, video game companies have marketed their technology to parents who are worried about their children becoming obese (while they play video games) and to a generation of “gamers” who will have the ability to exercise while in their “comfort zone” in front of their television and game system. I have had several graduate students interested in whether video game systems can help to increase fitness. Of the projects we have completed, here is a short summary of the results. 

1. Exercise Adherence: Will an individual be more likely to adhere to an exercise program with a virtual trainer or a to a face-to-face, personal trainer?

Answer: Yes. In two studies, one using the kinect and a virtual trainer andone using the wii fit, we found no significant difference between traditional training days missed in the gym, days missed with the virtual trainer, and days missed using an at-home exercise plan. Days missed were measured over a 3-month period. The accountability of logging exercise in an app on their phone was another variable tested, and it had a positive affect on adherence.

2. Caloric expenditure: Over the course of a typical exercise session, are more calories burned in the gym with a trainer or using a virtual trainer for a workout (if the exercises, intensity, duration are kept constant)?

Answer: This question may seem obvious, but we conducted this study to measure “calories” due to concern about the technology interfering with rest/work ratio. It seemed that there was increased rest time due to having to “set-up” each exercise on the wii or kinect. The results indicated that there was no significant difference in estimated calories burned, based on heart rates achieved and time maintained.

3. Enjoyment: Does an individual enjoy the virtual trainer more than a real-life trainer?

Answer: Subjects reported enjoyment in using the virtual trainer and the real trainer, and although slightly more preferred their “real” trainer, no significant difference was observed.

4. Convenience: Which method is most convenient?

Answer: Almost every person in the study enjoyed the convenience of the virtual trainer. Only individuals in the age group classified as 55 and above reported more convenience with the “real” trainer and exercise program. We attributed this to the fact that these individuals were attending group exercise prior to the study. They also reported little experience with gaming systems. 

5. Playing games vs. Traditional Exercise: Are individuals actually exercising or are they “playing games” that do not burn calories?

Answer: A large majority of person’s using the wii fit logged more time playing “games.” Not all of these games burned substantial calories.

6. Caloric prediction: Is the “calories burned” accurately portrayed by games?

Answer: None of the ten games in this study accurately predicted caloricexpenditure. Caloric expenditure was based off of weight and height, and no heart rate measurement was taken. Almost all of the prediction equations were OVER-PREDICTING caloric expenditure! This is a HUGE problem! If people think they are burning more calories than they are, then they will not lose weight! They may eat more calories than needed! 

7. Injuries: Are the virtual trainers promoting exercises that may injure people due to lack of knowledge?

Answer: This was noted during our investigations. A large percentage ofgames are not adhering to ACSM or NSCA standard’s and guidelines when prescribing exercise. Several games also performed exercises that are considered unsafe by the ACSM.

8. Fitness: Do these games really improve components of fitness? 

Answer: This is the most important question. Do the games work? Yes they do. If you increase activity and actually DO something, you will burn calories. Any method if increasing activity will have a positive impact on your health. Finding something you will adhere to, and that you enjoy is key! I always say, whatever you do- do something! That’s what matters! Gimmicks do not work! Effort, enjoyment, and seeing improvement are all ingredients to the formula of improved health.

Kelly A. Brooks, Ph.D., HFS, CSCS*D, EPC
Twitter: @kabrooks17